The Power of the Whole: What is Lost by Focusing on Individual Things (2023)
Rowman & Littlefiled
This is a book about ourselves, and our world, but it is also a book about, and for education. Education is undergoing constant scrutiny – as it should. But what makes, or made, an education successful is too often left behind in the shadows when we focus too closely on what we think should be in the spotlight. It is the author’s belief that we are entering a period of time when re-looking at how these things interact and intersect will be pertinent to their and our success.
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Questioning Education: Moving from What and How to Why and Who (2022)
In the post-pandemic world, how can we rethink the future of education as a system, process, and tradition to make lasting changes? This thought-provoking book by Sean Slade reminds us that education prepares students for their futures and yet has become stuck in the past. Slade asks us to move from our focus on education as a content-delivery system and instead reflect on its overarching purpose(s). He shows how we can shift our systems and our curriculum discussions away from beginning with the What and How, and instead start with the Why and Who.
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Flip the System US: How Teachers Can Transform Education and Save Democracy (2020)
This powerful and honest book uncovers how we can flip the system, building a more democratic, equitable, and cohesive society where teacher expertise drives solutions to education challenges. Editor Michael Soskil brings together a team of diverse voices to highlight solutions, spark positive change, and show us the path forward towards a more civil and more peaceful America. In each chapter, inspiring educators describe how we can create lasting and meaningful change by elevating teacher expertise; educating the whole child; increasing teacher morale; and fighting for all of our children to have equitable opportunity and quality schools.
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Integrating Prosocial Learning with Education Standards: School Climate Reform Initiatives (2016)
Integrating Prosocial Learning with Education Standards demonstrates how to meet educational standards that privilege cognitive aspects of learning while also advancing prosocial or Whole Child efforts (e.g., social emotional learning, character education, and mental health promotion). The book utilizes agrowing body of research to reveal effective ways to implement a curriculum that integrates social, emotional, ethical, and civic aspects of learning with required state standards, and a wide range of "real world" examples describe how any school, anywhere, can lay a foundation for all young people to succeed.
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